2/4/18: WEATHER

Today is Sunday, 2/4/18. If you ever need news with your weather, click this link and snap yer pages side by side. It works, and it works very well! Read the news with the report below:

Sunday, 2/4/18: Rainy. 287 K. 8%
Monday, 2/5/18: Clear. 298.7 K. 0%
Tuesday, 2/6/18: Spontaneous Snow. 272 K. 21%
Wednesday, 2/7/18: Frog Leg Rain. 284 K. -20%
Thursday, 2/8/18: Clear. 295 K. 2%
Friday, 2/9/18: COLD. 299 K. 9%
Saturday, 2/10/18: Arabca Rain. 285.1 K. 2%
